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Old 22-07-2011, 10:39 AM
norseman norseman is offline
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@windwhistle. My thinking was that the framework is a representation of Mother Earth.
Planning a career requires a vision and the will to succeed. A career is not physical, it's more a vision of your future.
I scanned and copied the 5 cards used and the originals went back into the pack. I then just stack the entire pack on top of the Mother Earth card. Invoke the Powers of the Elements and Mother Earth and that's it. Think of it as like a mobile phone charger . Someone who saw it said it looked like a grounding and protection set-up.
For more "heavy-duty" work, I add items to the frame e.g. a crystal of Galena to the Earth card, lighted candle to Fire, smoldering joss stick to show the air currents to Air, and a river-polished fluorite pebble to Water.

In meditation, focus on the King you want to work with, ask his permission to enter, and thank him when you leave. Good luck !
Remembrance is a form of meeting.[Gibran]
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