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Old 22-07-2011, 12:14 AM
Posts: n/a
I'm wondering about a few others...

Say a person drinks a few too many beers...not all the time...but occasionally...would alcohol be too much water or is alcohol a blend of fire and water. You know the term fire-water?! Or would beer be earth sence it is made from hops or barley or something? What would you suggest as far as elemental counteract that situation?

Here's another one...Co-Dependant and/or enabling behaivors. Sense that relates to relationship matters I suppose it would fall under too much water?Fire may help as it gives an independence of spirit and a thrust to move forward and make positive change on an individual basis.

How about confusion...clouded thinking...difficulty with decisions because too many people are giving advice. Sounds like too much air...need some grounding green.

But then what does a lack of elemental balance look like. Say for instance that a lack of fire? But what is it air like, water like or earth like?

I am fascinated by this! Thanks everyone for being there!
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