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Old 20-07-2011, 03:04 PM
Posts: n/a
Elemental color magic

Here's magic that works. It is based on the four colors assigned to the four elements. Water is bright blue, earth is green, air is yellow and fire is red.

If you have to take a test at school, write a paper, communicate by phone or e-mail, speak up in court...etc...this is under the AIR domain. So, ask the Goddess to please be with you and aid in my thinking as I take this test. Then imagine brilliant yellow light around the intended subject...they can be hundreds of miles away. It is the intensity of the color, the wildness and depth of the light and the will of the magician. Hold that person in your head and throw the light around them. Watch the light start at the crown chakra and flow down to the toes. See their entire aura six feet around in an elliptical shape as being completely bright yellow or lemon yellow light. Hold it for a few seconds, release and thank the Goddess.

You don't have to have a ritual to do don't have to have tools, you don't have to make a circle. All you need is your imagination, will and intent. Practice visualizing colors.

I also use elemental color magic to balance me when I am lacking a specific element or have too much of another. I use it's opposite. Fire is opposite of water and air of earth.

Thought it might be fun to list what elements have specifically helped you with. Don't repeat anything said in a book here. This is to be purely experiential.

AIR. Yellow light. Helped my teen three times with tests in last two weeks

WATER brilliant blue light. helped my inflamed, (too much fire) tendonitis in left shoulder.

EARTH bright green light. Helped my anxiety yesterday, (too much air)

FIRE bright red. Helps my husband wake up in the mornings

Anybody got anymore I can try for specific real life problems? Cuz it works!!!
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