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Old 09-04-2007, 01:57 AM
Mother Goose Mother Goose is offline
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For those giving readings on SF, I'd just like to suggest something a friend of mine does in regards to her readings. She has a time-limit on hers...if I remember corrrectly it's 3 months. Anyone who's had a reading from her in the last 3 months, will not receive another from her until it's been more than 3 months. Choosing a time-limit that seems reasonable for you, whether it's longer or shorter than hers, is key to being comfortable with doing readings for people who repeatedly ask for readings from you.

Some people can come to 'rely' on readings for too much...hence my comment about looking for answers outside yourself instead of looking within. I know some people consider asking for multiple readings from different people because they didn't agree with what was said during the first reading, or it didn't seem to have any relevance. But I've learned that just because the recipient of the reading initially does not understand the messages being given to does not mean that it's incorrect. Sometimes we need to sit back and wait for it all to sink in before deciding what exactly we were being told during the reading.

I, personally, have come to view readings as 'last resort.' If I'm just so bogged down in what's going on that I cannot even think straight, then I might consider pulling out my cards or asking someone else for a reading, but only then. But that's just a personal preference.

JOY is the evidence of internal growth ~ Marie Montessori