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Old 07-07-2011, 08:23 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Summerland
You seem to have forgotten that I was here before. And I saw the way that you reacted to anything outside norm. I was on the receiving end of many of your comments and ridicule as were others. And a lot of mockery in veiled jabs, just this side of not being abusive. All so innocent sounding. As I have said before, if someone doesn't have an interest in a thread (subforum)then simply leave it be. Done here again for a while.

As long as respect is being maintained, and it clearly is IMHO. I fail to see the issue. If people don't wish dissenting opinions on their forum posts, then get a blog or a live journal where you can disable comments. The point of a forum is for discussion. Discussion by its very nature isn't always people agreeing to things, it is about disagreement, questions, thoughts, shared ideas and many other things.

Chrysaetos is being respectful, he has a right to share his viewpoint even if you don't like it. Skepticism serves a valuable purpose, it gives a balanced viewpoint to things which are otherwise unbelievable, it asks for credible evidence, it provokes thought and it furthers discussion. Also if and when credible proof is provided, it further cements the validity of what is being discussed.

People on this forum seem to mistake disagreement with disrespect quite often. I think it is very sad that people who ask for credible evidence to certain phenomena are basically told to "like it or leave it" with regards to topics like this. To me that is disrespectful and belittling, two things which I believe are prohibited on this forum.
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