Thread: Evil Bible
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Old 06-07-2011, 04:36 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Rush22
This website seems very gristly and deliberately anti-Christian. Yes, there may be discrepancies in the Bible (I haven't read it completely), but this website just takes passages and uses them to judge what the Word of God is.

This in my problem with how the bible is used by many christians... I call it 'cherry-picking' quotes that support their particular biases and beliefs then they say that this is 'The One and Only Truth' and is the 'Word of God' and can't be questioned or disputed... and anyone who does is working for the devil... So... it is interesting to see the tables turned and I would like to know if those same people would say these parts of the bible come directly from the mouth of god... you start seeing a lot of back peddling... which I think is a good thing!
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