Thread: Evil Bible
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Old 06-07-2011, 04:28 PM
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Originally Posted by avenger
If you take the Bible for what it is, there are no discrepancies. This is because I don't see a need nor have a desire to extract doctrines from what is only a storybook.

Any spiritually mature person who has immersed themselves in the world of the Bible doesn't get offended or frightened by the "evil" texts.

Well, of course it's just a story book. I know that, you know that, but millions of Christians and Jews do not know this.

To them, the idea that this is "only a story book" is anathema. They hold it is as "God-breathed", perfect, infallible, inerrant, etc, etc.

Whenever an old book is deified, worshipped, and used to rationalize grossly irrational/deviant behavior, it should be exposed.

There is untold suffering, division, and violence caused by that "storybook" and likely much more to come. So, it's a little different than Hansel & Gretel in that respect. It deserves to be systematically dismantled and shown for what it is- one of the most disgusting, immoral, depraved, and perverted books ever committed to writing.

The fact that it is held as "Holy" and the "Word of God" is undeniable proof of the awful capacity humans have for believing the unbelievable (usually out of fear).
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