Thread: Eczema
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Old 06-07-2011, 05:10 AM
Posts: n/a

Hello, my g/daughter and g/son both have this horrid skin disorder. Both my daughter and myself went to a Mind Body Spirit event and we came across the Himalayan Salt Lamps stand. I started talking to the man there and he asked if my duaghter had tried the salt bar to help with the eczema.. she hadn't but thought it was worth a try. She took it home tried it that night in the bath and to our great surprise it WORKED . All you do is place it under the tap or put it on a flannel/facewasher and run it over the affected area. If possible let it dry naturally. If not then pat dry. Salt is a natural healer.... go to the beach maybe...just a thought I hope this helps you.

Cheers for now Morganna.
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