Thread: Eczema
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Old 05-07-2011, 08:36 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by scorpiowitch66
My daughter has eczema and most all creams burn when I put it on her...Anyone know of any alternatives?


:( I'm sorry to hear about that. My kids both had very severe eczema for about the first 6 years of their lives. I researched and experimented like mad. Some people get some relief with Lavender oil (make sure it's 100% pure essential oil of course, not fragrance oil). My son (10) still gets a form of eczema on his palms and soles of his feet after he has been in water and it helps with this. I'm sure you're doing or have done the wet-to-dry wraps? I wish I could tell you that I have it figured out. For one thing, I think that it varies so much from person to person. We have also found relief from a mixture of chamomile and carrotseed essential oils (in a bath). Eczema is an immune system issue so vitamins and minerals are a good idea. Evening Primrose and Flax seed, etc can't hurt (I never noticed a difference with them but they are good for a person). I found a product called Skin-e-Dip online if it's still out there that helped some. When it is moist eczema, Burow's solution on a white cotton cloth with HOT water works very well.

My son has allergies to everything so that may be a consideration. However, my daughter has virtually no allergies but does have some health stuff going on. I wish I could talk her into hypno :) .
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