Thread: Nature Speaks
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Old 19-06-2011, 01:13 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by WhiteShaman
... I am convinced that we can never "just be" without the influence of our past and our hopes for the future clouding what "just being" is....

I think there in lies the point, WhiteShaman. I think the journey is more important then the destination. We will NEVER just be. However, it is the constant striving to be so that leads towards self improvement, and isn't that, in the end, the goal? To improve ourselves? Chasing this goal is like chasing the horizon. You may see it, but no matter how hard you try to get to it, you will never reach it. However, the journey is what matters, the earnest attempt to become one with said horizon. Sure, we can accept it for what it is.... an unreachable goal. Or we can continue to grow and learn as we try to reach out and grab it. The attempt to find our true nature, to merge with it, to live in the "now" and just be, to accept the duality of all things and to understand non-interference. These are Taoism.
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