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Old 17-06-2011, 12:46 AM
Posts: n/a
The most important ingredient of any spell is love! (Gillian Kemp - The Good Spell Book)

This is one I used for neighbor's who wanted us to move and would put dead fish in my mailbox..... they stopped and THEY moved :)

Wiccan Protection Bottle

You need to find a glass jar, and enough of the following items to fill the jar:

Broken Glass
Steel Wool
Lemon Juice
One black candle
One red felt marker
Fill the jar with the items as per above (substitute if need be, trusting your own inner guidance). Seal tightly.

On the top of the lid, draw a pentacle with the red felt marker.

Now here's the icky part. You need to urinate in the bottle till it's just about full. I placed 4 of these on all 4 corners of my property line.

Place the candle on the lid of the jar and light it. Chanting the following:

Candle of black, hexes of old, release the powers that you hold. Reverse the flow of spells once cast. Leave pain and sorrow in the past.

Let the candle burn out. Take the jar and bury it in some earth close to your home. You and your family will be protected from harm for up to 6 months - then look to make another new protection bottle.

Some witches will dig them up if and when they move because you don't want your spell remaining there (you may not sell the house because of the strong protection around it).

Remember cast for protection and in love and light.
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