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Old 15-06-2011, 11:08 PM
Posts: n/a
Question+hi all :)

I`m new to these forums, hope I post in the right section. I`m not crazy and not taking drugs and alcohol or any medicaments. Btw. I`m a reader of Dr Joseph Murphy and Thomas Throward. I had 2 paranormal experiences. I would like to ask what do you think about them?

1) I was repeating to myself "I am". By "I am" I mean "I am all and all is me". Every thing popped into my mind randomly I affirmed - that I am that thing too. My "I am" was attached to everything. Then something miraculous have happened: I have become conscious of everything, the whole world at the same time. Every piece of dust in the desert, every planet, every star, everything. It was a magnificent feeling, the best I`ve ever felt. I knew everything. I haven`t asked "How did I get here?". I knew everything, there was no purpose to ask any questions. It just felt so good and I was one with everything. After that I`m not quite sure what happened I`ve forgot the details. Maybe the pleasant feeling was changed to another still present one of lesser quality, maybe I have seen through my closed eyelids too. And I was back to my 2 legged self. This happened to me only once, never again, but I wasn`t even trying, don`t know why. I outlined the method how you can achieve that state. Is this what the philosophers and mystics call "light" ?

2) Have seen through closed eyelids - this happened a couple of times. Usually when I was meditating and relaxing (I did it many times in the train/bus to home). It first felt weird, I couldn`t beleive it. I was so stunned so - I opened my eyes and saw the same picture. Don`t know what this means. Is this "astral plane"?

Thank you in advance, and best wishes :)
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