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Old 05-03-2007, 12:30 AM
Posts: n/a
Ive had a few long distance relationships. One who really stands out is this guy i met online, we live two states away, something like 4000kms. And we hadnt accually met, which in normal circumstances i would find odd and wouldnt call it a relationship. But hes a very special man, we clicked instantly and had something going for 2 years, i talk with his family, am quite close to his brother, hes from italy originally and even started teaching me italian over the phone and email lol in the end, we decided that it made it too hard the way it was, so we decided to stick to being friends. We still love eachother, and talk every week, ive been with others in the meantime and so has he, i think we both know we will end up together again tho. I know your thinking why if hes only a 3 hour plane trip havnt you met.. well a. im scared as hell to meet him lol and b. We were worried that if we met up now, things would change, i have too many problems in my life at the moment that i felt by meeting up, then having to leave again, it would ruin what we have now. One day it will happen :)

But i thnk that as long as you love eachother, things will work out, it matters not the distance:)

Last edited by Temperance : 05-03-2007 at 12:33 AM.