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Old 15-06-2011, 06:38 PM
Mind's Eye
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by LisaLisa
Well, since you believe you have supernatural powers, I'd like to see you try it then report back here what happened.

I'd like to place a bet that it won't happen.

Who said "I" have supernatural powers? I merely provided the pipe line for the Divine Spirit to do its work. And yet I am one with that Spirit who made me.

As far as raising the dead; It is not my place to try and decide when a life is over or not. There were times I thought to pray over a dead person who died too young... but I always got a strong sense of, "N0" deep down on the inside of me. This is what you would call the unction of the Holy Spirit.

However, the two individuals that were brain dead; one had had a massive stroke and on life support. His family was told that he never would come off of the machines and that if by some miracle he did, he would be a vegetable... I did feely strongly to pray for him... and he awoke within two days and had no brain damage or any other problems.

The second person had had a massive heart attack right on Christmas day. He too was hooked up to all sort of machines and was given only 3 days to live. The Doctors said that he would not recover. He too was prayed for and was awake and fine within the 3 days that he was supposed to die in.

I think in both cases you have placed a bet that was already won.

Thank God I didn't stand around spouting nonsense like, "the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away." Or just trying to sound all holy and telling everyone that these men were at God's mercy...... No, I believed God to be a healer and one who blesses the prayer of faith.... and he did.