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Old 16-05-2024, 09:10 AM
Spirit Guide Sparrow Spirit Guide Sparrow is offline
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Originally Posted by pixiedust
Thanks Spirit Guide Sparrow. I guess I was hoping you'd know what would be relevant to me. Thank you.

Dear Pixiedust,

You sweet angel. You credit me with more supernatural powers than I am entitled to. Moreover, what is relevant to you would be that which you choose is relevant to you, and not what I decide is relevant to you.

In regard to your implied health and physiological concerns, the advice of professional medical and healthcare practitioners would be more relevant than the ramblings of a spirit guide.

With matters of health and optimal functionality of the physical body, you must remember that the body behaves at the behest and is the crest of your focus of consciousness. Your physical body functions as the CREST of your Self-experience - (CREST: Crystallised Resonant Energy Symbolical Thoughtform). That is, your physical body is the symbolic crystallised manifestation of the resonant energies accumulated through thought forms. The belief systems you accumulate which form the memories you coat your consciousness in become physical manifestations as and within the physical body – because the body is just a thought form.

As well as your own thoughts, beliefs and behaviours, your physical body also crystallises other energies, from the people and places surrounding you, as well as from the genetic information given to your body at conception from your parents. Any and all ailments you experience though this thought form you call body originates from the crystallised memories accumulating in your field of consciousness. It is the job of your physical body to manifest these, because that is what thought forms do when allowed to crystallise.

My advice to you then, in regard to physical health, is to firstly consciously manage energies you bring INTO your CREST, your body, in regard to thoughts, beliefs, repetitive behaviours, the food you eat, the environment you inhabit, and anything else which brings energy into you. You may also refer to my last dialogue regarding memories in my alternative thread.

Secondly, do not place negativity upon any ailments you currently experience in the body, as that merely allows the ailment to open a lower vibrational gateway for compatibility with lower vibrational complications, which manifest only within lower vibrational states. Instead, focus on energies of compassion, understanding and gratitude through the knowledge I have given you as to why something manifests. From there, feed any and all ailments you have your highest and deepest sense of love and tolerance, so that its vibrational state raises and it loses its crystallised stability to remain in your field of experience. The challenge then is to keep your vibrational state at a consistently high rate or you risk having a relapse and reoccurrence.

Thirdly, not only is it important to be aware of what energies you bring into the body and into your consciousness, but what energies you are releasing from it. The state of externalising is equally as important as the state of internalising. This can mean what energies you are giving to other people, places and circumstances around you, as well as what energies you willingly release to allow yourself to maintain a clear and healthy body, mind and heart. There are many practices and activities you can do to release energies in a beneficial way, and many on this platform will be able to suggest them to you.

In regard to other aspects of your personal life, spend less time questioning and doubting yourself, and more time building up your individual sense of confidence and Self-empowerment. Conduct yourself more in a manner of confident Self-driven authority and less time concerning what other people are doing and thinking. Also, divert more of your point of attention to doing things you deeply love and enjoy, which deeply satisfy and invigorate you more than just on a transient surface level.

I bless and bow to you on this beautiful day. With a loving and affectionate embrace reflective of the maturnal mother of the Ultraverse.


~~~Spirit Guide Sparrow~~~
From the wisdom of my council to the wisdom of yours

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