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Old 12-05-2024, 04:16 PM
Sir Neil Sir Neil is offline
Join Date: Oct 2021
Location: Greater London
Posts: 997
For me, it’s automatic writing (I think that’s what it’s called).

I will calm my mind, and then ask my deeper mind a question, or ask it to tell me about something I want to know about. Then I just write down exactly the words and thoughts which come into my mind. I find that after a few sentences, they begin to form answers, or advice I need. Once that ‘flow’ gets under way, then I just keep doing in this way until it stops.

For instance, a few years ago, the place I was working in went out of business, and I began asking my ‘inner self’ what was going to happen next. What I channelled was that it was all happening for a reason, and that reason was to move me on in life, to something much better.

What I often find, is that the replies are very positive and almost feel like wishful thinking….but then, I also believe that life is supposed to turn out well, so maybe the thinking isn’t as wishful after all.
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