Thread: Experiences
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Old 03-05-2024, 08:17 AM
Klaatu24 Klaatu24 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2015
Posts: 152
No problem about typos. Some of mine turn out funny.

Thanks for the info about the alka-seltzer sensation. Amazing!

I've heard energy workers make streetlights go out sometimes when they pass by. Sometimes that's happened to me when I'm really upset over something, but I don't know that it's going to happen beforehand. That's so cool you know about it beforehand.

No, I've never heard of the "Contact in the Desert" convention. Looks like a great line up of speakers! It's pricey, but it does last 5 days at least. (Though it's out of my price range.) They do have different types of streaming for lower prices though -- technology's great!

Originally Posted by CassandraApollo
Video: I would love to see the video you mentioned. The one taken by the boy with two cameras.

Drats -- couldn't find it online. I didn't have too much time on this public computer to search though. Jaime Maussan showed it at the "X-Conference" years ago. He did have it on a DVD, but I forgot what the DVD's called. The "X-Conference" was a yearly convention from around 2004-2010, given by Stephen Bassett. They even had their speakers talk at the National Press Club in Washington DC after some (or all?) of the conferences.

Unfortunately, years ago, I saw the "X-Conference" webpage was taken down (with all their archives). If anyone can find it online, could you please give the url? I'd love to see it again since it lists all their speakers, speaker webpages, etc.

Online I saw Jaime Maussan has a lot of DVDs available (maybe even streaming?). The "two cameras" video might be on one of them.

Another of Jaime's videos showed a large white worm or tube-looking thing in the sky, which he called a dragon (or other people called a dragon?). The white tube thing in the sky changed shapes slowly -- then a bunch of small spaceships started pouring out of one end and flew away! Like the long white tube thing was a spaceship transport or something. This also might be on one of his videos/DVD/streaming. Wish I knew which one!

Doing a google search for Jaime and Steven Greer, there were a lot of people disclaiming them and/or their many videos. Makes me so mad! Even if one video's debunked, it doesn't mean all of them are fake. Things seem so hit-or-miss with UFO videos. When I see ETs at conferences with the speakers (usually they stand next to the conference room walls), that's when I know the speakers are legitimate.

Your "mall ship" sounds awesome! I just remember a flash of a large, silver looking panel almost right next to me -- which might be my imagination. You know, many times I'd throw up when the ETs brought me back home -- I vaguely remember throwing up. But around 2 times I remember two grays standing next to me on both sides in the bathroom after I'd thrown up. I think they were making sure I was ok. Never thought of this before, but maybe I threw up from radiation from their ships? I don't know. Just a thought.

I'm so sorry you gave up trying to date because of the ET's. I didn't really think too much about that while dating. But one time I woke up and there were a bunch of ET's near the ceiling, talking English (through telepathy). They all had high-pitched voices and were really happy someone was sleeping next to me, and they were describing to each other what our physical positions were. Like saying, her leg is bent this way, her elbow is straight here, his head's turned this way, his knees are here, etc. It was as if they'd never seen two people just sleeping in bed and were learning from it. It seemed a bit silly, but was so much fun listening to them, because they were so excited to learn what our body positions were. The guy I was with seemed to sleep right through the whole thing. The next day, I didn't mention it to him because I thought he'd think I was crazy. Maybe I should have said something. Maybe the ETs had been there because he gets visited by them too. I don't know.

That's so cool about seeing the book about Betty and Barney Hill! And your ex-husband being an experiencer too, and his daughter drawing an ET! I've read that ETs follow family lines often. I remember seeing the movie "The Interrupted Journey" (I think that's the name), with James Earl Jones playing Barney Hill. It was so great, and comforting, and scary, to see the abductions. And fell in love with James' voice.

Originally Posted by CassandraApollo
Remote viewing: The remote viewing/walk-about happened on multiple occasions, and it was after going to sleep...

Wow! A speaker at the X-Conference mentioned this when I was talking with her after the conference. She spoke about similar things happening during the night. She didn't like it though. Gosh, makes a person wonder what's going on.

Originally Posted by CassandraApollo
SUV following me: My Spirit picking up on the people in the SUV was automatic. My Spirit does that sometimes and can pick up on something I need to know. I never feel any fear when I’ve been under surveillance. Maybe it’s because I know they are not allowed to harm me.

You're so intuitive about your spirit picking up on people! This probably sounds naive, but all this surveillance seems like a waste of time for the people doing the surveilling. I wonder why they're doing it?

How wonderful John Mack's book lead you to meeting Constance! Synchronicities are so much fun! And to be in her book too!

That's too bad about MUFON wanting evidence. But it makes sense too, they probably get tons of people contacting them and they don't know if people are telling the truth or not.

Originally Posted by CassandraApollo
What about you, have you been involved with UFO groups and how was your experience with them?

Decades ago I didn't want to contact any UFO groups, because back then, the few books I could find were more about believing or disbelieving the existence of spaceships. So, I really didn't think they'd believe that I'd been abducted since before I could walk, or later, when I was older that an ET kissed me. So, back then I decided not to contact any UFO groups.

I was more into metaphysical things, like trying to contact angels and ETs, which I could do most of the time, by myself. But conventions were fun to attend, mostly metaphysical ones. Sometimes I change my mind and think of joining a UFO group, but just never follow through. Maybe it's in the future, who knows?

The ET's kiss was really, really sweet! I was sitting on one of the exam tables with my lower legs hanging over the side. He was brave enough to rest his hand on my right palm, so I could look at it. ETs were usually so busy and clinical that they rarely did anything I asked for. I have a vague feeling that I asked to see his hand (but I don't specifically remember that). His fingers were more tubular than I thought -- couldn't see any knuckles. I stroked his fingers lightly and thought, "This hand has done things I can't even dream about." He put his lips on mine for a split second. Just a short, sweet kiss. However, I ruined it. I got so thrilled emotionally that he backed away a few inches, watching my eyes. He seemed a little scared. I kept saying things like "You really wanted to kiss me?! I can't believe you kissed me!!" My thrilled-ness was too much for him and he backed away a few more inches, still looking into my eyes. He still seemed a little scared. Usually you can tell what they're feeling from the telepathy that seems to come from their eyes, but I couldn't tell with him after the kiss. That's all I remember.

There were a few times during abductions when I'd get thrilled with something the ETs did and they'd back away from me, like they were nervous to be so close. It's like the emotion was too strong for them, or I had too much energy built up inside me or something. I don't know what it is that makes them back up a little. But at least I still have that beautiful memory, even though I ruined it from being thrilled. Hopefully someday I'll see him again and apologize.

Funny how much energy I have when I'm on their ships. Normally, at home, I don't have that much energy.

Last edited by Klaatu24 : 03-05-2024 at 11:27 AM.
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