Thread: Hell Loops ?
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Old 29-04-2024, 04:50 PM
Starman Starman is offline
Join Date: May 2016
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Yes, I agree, sometimes helping a person can cripple them and they can become overly dependant and not learn how to help themselves. There is a time for helping and a time to let someone fall and maybe they will learn from falling.

Some people need more help then others and some are highly independent self-starters; no right or wrong, no good or bad in this. I worked with patients who all you had to do was give them an idea and they would run with it and develop it to completion, while others you needed to hold their hand and walk them step by step through the simplest process.

Some people are highly motivated and some people are not; some people are highly dependant and some are highly independent. Yes, I do believe that people need people and we are all interdependent. There is a give and take between all of us; some give more than they take while others take more then they give.

In my opinion it all depends on our attitude. All people do not go through life the same way, but in my opinion all paths eventually lead to the same spiritual realization. I try hard not to judge, even my own relatives, if they do not want my help, maybe they will become aware of help from their own deeper spiritual selves.
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