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Old 28-04-2024, 10:01 PM
Starman Starman is offline
Join Date: May 2016
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In out of body experiences which I have had, entering other realms and looking back on this human life, this human life definitely appears as a faint dream, a very distant faint memory. The spiritual realm feels more real than this physical reality. For me this physical existence is but a passing illusion; a transition which appears real when using the transitory fabric of our own human body and mind.

I agree with you God-Like, what you have shared is also my experience. It is only the physical body that sleeps. Consciousness is always awake but not always aware. I have also experienced traveling to other very vivid dimensions while my body slept. Even in quiet meditation I have heard people say that they did not experience anything.

But in my opinion there is no such thing as nothing; although nothing literally means no thing, and many do look for things, even in the vastness of infinity. Infinity has no gaps, there is no place where it is not. It is true that metaphors and analogies fall short, mainly because they attempt to box in a construct that which does not fit into a construct and can not be boxed.

In my humble opinion
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