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Old 20-04-2024, 11:36 PM
Michael K. Michael K. is offline
Join Date: Dec 2021
Posts: 823

This thread is about the final sequence that occurs when this ardent seeker
has reached a point of ZERO RESISISTANCE where the seeker has fully and
totally surrendered to the ALL that just "IS". Translation occurs beyond the
highest state of SAMADHI which is "NIRVIKALPA" the ultimate state of
meditative absorption, in this state the physical vehicle remains in our
relative space time continuum.

But in the translation sequence the whole physical body and all its atoms
are removed from this relative universe as it is all converted into pure
spirit intelligent energy, which becomes omnipresent bliss motionlessness.

The translated being then in a zero dimensionless ubiquitous stateless state
which is SELF/SOURCE. The whole presented sequence of the being seeker
is absorbed into pure consciousness energy, a brilliant flash of pure spirit
WHITE LIGHT and the seeker is gone from this relative universe.

Will add more later about the total surrender sequence, and how profound
silence expands awareness universally and begins a dynamo effect on
vibrational intensity.
blessings michael,
https://xxxxxbbb.blogspot.comMichael Kirkpatrick
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