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Old 19-04-2024, 03:21 AM
Traveler Traveler is offline
Join Date: May 2021
Posts: 1,012
I understand your pain and your frustration. It is fear that is causing all this war and strife. There's a pranic meditation that is called twin heart prayer. It's a meditation healing prayer for the planet and every being on it.

You might find this meditation comforting. And your guide is right. We can only change ourselves, but we can have a rippling effect on others through our change. Practicing gratitude and recognizing that god/source/all that is/ is in everyone will change you and because everyone is connected will change others. Keeping your vibration high will allow others around you to raise their vibration as well and will have a ripple effect.

Send love and healing to places that need it like Ukraine. Send it to to help him connect to his higher self. The more positive loving energy that goes to people who need it, the better.

Remember we came to this plane for a reason. We came here to learn that we are creators and that we are connected to source.

I hope my ramblings have made some sense. And I hope that my ramblings offer you some solace.

And I offer you a big hug.

Last edited by Native spirit : 19-04-2024 at 09:35 AM.
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