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Old 17-04-2024, 03:20 PM
J_A_S_G J_A_S_G is offline
Join Date: Apr 2024
Posts: 173
Originally Posted by Unseeking Seeker
@ JASGYour experience seems to be profound in that whilst in duality, you were simultaneously lucidly in oneness as well, with a higher knowing, in as far as I could gather from your post.

Yes, you gather correctly.

The other experience I can try to relate is one of deep effortless meditation. Do-nothing, choiceless awareness, Shikantaza. It's been very rare and the times I was 'there' can be counted on one hand with a couple of fingers to spare. LOL!

It seems to be a 'place' beyond space and time as when the timer went off it was like the sitting was a blink of the eyes to mind, however not to awareness. In other words when I reflect back afterward it seems to have been Awareness minus mind, if that makes sense? I'm tempted to say it was ultimate serenity, silence, stillness but that's not exactly right. Maybe Existence untethered from objects, including objects of mind (serenity, silence, stillness)?

One hypothesis of mine is the Lucid Waking experience was this state of being unveiled while being fully awake and mind being fully active.
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