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Old 15-04-2024, 11:22 PM
Michael K. Michael K. is offline
Join Date: Dec 2021
Posts: 810
Singularity Silver cord of SELF.

All life universally is fully embraced and fully connected to that Absolute
Singularity the SOURCE SELF. In fact all life universally and every ATOM in
this universe if fully connected to SOURCE SELF, science calls this truth that
of Quantum entanglement, spirituality calls it the Absolute PRESENCE of this
SPIRIT in every atom and sub atomic particle in this universe.

Every human being is fully connected by this silver cord singularity which is
vouchsafed within every human being, we each have a Divine ATOM within us
I know this to be absolutely VALID and real because I have personally
experienced and had conscious contact with this Absolute SELF.

Ascension within humanity is about the gradual ascension up through the five
KOSHIC sheaths and when we reach the last one fully consciously awake at
that level within the BLISS body, we can then transcend the astral realms for
ever, and when we decide to exit our vehicles (die) change venues, we can then consciously translate our being and leave this universe totally and enter
eternal absolute bliss, if we so chose.

Blessings michael.
https://xxxxxbbb.blogspot.comMichael Kirkpatrick
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