Thread: Violence
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Old 14-04-2024, 12:25 PM
JustBe JustBe is offline
Join Date: Jun 2018
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I think the challenges of violence, open up us all to dig deeper into peace and calm from within if you’re in that stream to do so. When bad things happen people and society are all affected through a ripple affect. It activates us all in various way of our inner world. Like nature around us, human nature in its destructive capacity, breaks things apart in violent and unsettling ways, it jolts us awake to understand life differently, understand ourselves differently. Create differently. Live differently. Be aware differently. It rips us apart to grieve, release whatever we hold onto. In my deeper awakening, I was very afraid of myself in the world. Every fear and terror I held within myself, needed to be challenged at every level, it was my individualisation, nightmare. My inner war as a human being on this planet against life’s terror and fear.

Through facing those terrors and fears, I had to literally see how, I was contributing to the ripple of such things by holding on, bringing fears face alive. How each one was met face to face with fear and terror emergence. I was lucky, I was undoing, unravelling even as I was very afraid. I was able to see through the eyes of fear and new creations as one. This is how it is right now as the world. We are seeing through the eyes of a world caught between worlds. Worlds colliding, worlds in terror and fear. Worlds being ripped apart. Destruction and endings. Truth tearing through us all.

I had to land in Sydney a few hours ago. I was passing through. I was aware of myself, how I felt at times, ( because of the tragedy and horror of yesterdays events) how my feelings could shift and change, how I had (could) consciously shift my inner world back to peace and calm.

Contribute to the new world by becoming/being this, bringing it alive to support changes.

Where I was having dinner last night, my partner and I noticed a very agitated man with his partner. I encouraged my partner with me to hold peace and calm and send it through as a ripple to him with me. He was upright, banging his hands and hips. Within a few minutes something shifted in him. He calmed rather rapidly. Rather than send my old fear and terror ripple, I let my peace and calm ripple.
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