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Old 13-04-2024, 11:24 PM
SapphireBlue SapphireBlue is offline
Join Date: May 2017
Location: Sydney
Posts: 185
Originally Posted by FairyCrystal
Not just physical ailments. Much of what affects crystals is emotional dense energy. Conflict, stress, difficult situations.
After I'd left my narcissistic ex my crystal and especially crystal skulls seemed to let out a sigh of relief and they needed quite some time to recover.
They'd held the energies as clear as possible for me, transformed a lot and they needed serious 'me' time after that.
They'd worked their behinds off for me, hihi.

And even when not in such a turbulent situation we mostly grab for a crystal when something is up, not necessarily physical.

One of my larger citrine needed cleansing and even comfort when it arrived. It stood on an small plate with water at its 'feet'.
I bought it from an American who needed to let go of many crystals in order to pay for his wife's medical bills.
The citrine was gorgeous, very joyful energy, feels a bit like a young spirit, but it was hurting from having to leave that man.
It needed lots of TLC and getting used to not being with him anymore.

Wow, I would have thought when we're dealing with emotional issues and traumas (in theory) physical ailments would reduce in the sense that root causes are possibly being worked on if that makes sense? You must have some very powerful crystals to say the least!
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