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Old 12-04-2024, 07:55 AM
Altair Altair is offline
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Originally Posted by Maisy
That reminds me of getting pets like a cat or a dog. Their life span is a lot shorter than most of us so one is kind of setting themselves up for a heartbreak by getting one and becoming attached and in love with it.
And yet it is worth it because of the good memories. My dog died last year but I think about him every day, and in a good way. Perhaps getting a second pet before the older one dies helps, because then part of the memory lives on in the pet still alive.
Originally Posted by Maisy
A lot of religious types like monks and nuns decide to not have romantic relationships.
Romantic relationship are consuming and probably prevent us from doing a lot of other things we'd love to do. It's give and take, we sleep about 8 hours a day (most of us, I think/hope), and then there's work. There's no ''I can do everything I want at the same time and be great at all of it'', we may try but we end up becoming very average at everything. This is why many of the greatest minds throughout history - be they philosophers, scientists, or spiritual teachers - were single. They dedicated precious time into one practice, and achieved supernatural like focus.

Your post reminded me of this video and Buddhist channel:

I can recommend this channel, a lot of perspectives applicable to daily life.
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