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Old 11-04-2024, 01:31 PM
Posts: n/a

Generally speaking, if belief in your cessation is a disease, then it's one that I'm completely free of.

Apart from the human common sense such as the fact that we all die, it is the one thing I am so sure of. Way too sure of, that it amazes me sometimes; because I tend to doubt all else.

It just happened one day. I just knew.

However, that doesn't seem to be enough.

Eternal Vitality is never enough. You need Eternal Spirituality to accompany it. People think knowing you're eternal is enough. No it's not. If anything for me, that is merely the baseline. The beginning.

Everything else is a mystery to me. If by "we" you mean "us" as in our personalities, wants, desires etc, this may not even be true. We change, we transform even daily. In fact, that's what Buddhists call Anatman. They believe there is no permanent self. If you die, you actually do die. The thing that is reborn or reawakened, either in the afterlife or next life, is actually NOT considered you.

Which parts of us do change? Which parts don't? Are some parts of us permanent and eternal? Are some not? Note that I'm skeptical even of Anatman. Maybe there is a part of us that is eternal despite our changes.

You can argue only we can change ourselves, but what is the part within that changes the other parts?

Part of this is believing in your Innocence as well as your Truth.

That is, trusting in the Truth of not only your own existence, but also in the Innocence of the parts of you don't know. People tend to give it grand names like the Unconscious, Higher Self, Oversoul etc.

But really, after all this time, I admit I still don't know much of myself. Even if I'm eternal, I'm still an eternal mystery.

You can't live like that unless you trust eternally in that mystery.

Only then are you truly healed by this affliction.
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