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Old 10-04-2024, 09:23 AM
FairyCrystal FairyCrystal is offline
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We don't need technology for that, thank goodness! All this AI stuff scares me to be honest.
All we have to do to become crystalline is to clean out the closet. Much of old pain, emotions and so on are stored in the body. That needs to be cleared, really cleared to a deep, cellular level.
That takes times, won't happen overnight, but can be done.

That is basically what it means to be crystalline: cleared from any old dense anything that's in the body so that all tissues and cells are healthy, relaxed, vibrant.
Then the Divine Light can freely flow through us.
As it is the Divine Light bumps into blockages as our bodies aren't cleared and free from old stuff.

We can and have to do that ourselves. Having it done for us with technology won't work. Think of the example of helping a butterfly out of its cocoon. If it doesn't do that itself it will never be able to properly fly either. So even though it might be somewhat hard for the butterfly to do, it has to do it itself, without any help whatsoever, in order to fly high and be healthy and strong.

We don't have to completely invent the wheel. We can do it with help, as long as we undergo the process ourselves. We have to generate it from within, like the caterpillar's body goes through turmoil in the cocoon to turn into a butterfly. A huge transformation!
The help we can accept is like Diana Cooper's work, Dr Joe Dispenza and so on.
Dr Joe helps people get there within a week! Thousands have already healed and cleared their bodies by changing their way of seeing things.
It's the biology of belief, as Bruce Lipton said.
We are all the technology that is required. Gregg Braden calls it "soft technology". The best there is, and it doesn't need any outer interference, certainly not by lesser evolved technology.
All it needs is a good & thorough spring cleaning!
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