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Old 10-04-2024, 06:09 AM
CosmicWonder CosmicWonder is offline
Join Date: Jul 2017
Posts: 1,595
Hey AB,

Thank you for being so open. It helps me give context to my struggles around empathy.

Hey Starman,

Thank you for shredding light on the wisdom from above you share here. This may at times come in handy when dealing with this.

Hey FallingLeaves,

Thank you for sharing your personal wisdom, even so briefly yet very clear, on the matter.


How I understand what I learned now: There is a journey ahead, of which the outcome may at times be unpredictable for now; There is a place for people in life, despite not knowing always how to love and have these people in that specific spot for now; sometimes you can self reflectcand see where people are mirroring you.

Is this correct, is this what I can take from this for now?

Kind regards,

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