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Old 09-04-2024, 10:50 AM
CosmicWonder CosmicWonder is online now
Join Date: Jul 2017
Posts: 1,543
emotional intelligence regarding handing out issues and being able to find solutions


The situation: I take on too many issues and problems from others.

What have I done: I learn every moon every day to keep other peoples drama and issues out of me, and this is getting better.

What do I still find difficult: both leaving the problems out of my system before they come in, as well as emotionally intelligently and with consideration (when possible) drawing a boundary and getting the issue where it belongs/where it is best solved or fixed.

The intention of this post is sharing experiences and possible insights, from a place of understanding. The goal is to smoothen my path ahead in letting other peoples problems be theirs, and not mine. No matter how convincing they are that I should fix it for them.

Nuance: people often do not notice they are handing me a problem of theirs. They instant forget and do not at all seem aware of what they put out.

I hope this is clear enough.

Kind regards and with grattitude,


PS: when you write, it could help to intend to have help from (inner) guidance when writing.
While this is not a have-to-do, it may help have a clean response to what I put out here.
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