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Old 09-04-2024, 06:52 AM
Join Date: Apr 2019
Posts: 1,348
Idol worship expansion 10:20

Originally Posted by Jainarayan
... tat tvam asi, aham bramasmi, etc. They are used to the duality of western religion. To say we are non-different from God is tantamount to blasphemy to them.

Yes I do understand about this. Its not just western religion ,even in eastern religions also people are used to duality . But non-duality or in-dwelling God are very much in Christianity also .

John 10:30
I and the Father are one.

Trinity doctrine

"The Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit" are not names for different parts of God, but one name for God because three persons exist in God as one entity.They cannot be separate from one another.
While the duality envisaged in Christianity or for that matter in eastern religions including Hinduism has better foundation (in that individuals are finite with limitations /start/ end and God is infinite/unending/ without beginning) , in reality many a times it translates into people creating arbitrary distance between God and themselves and not wanting to listen to His message (forget about following the message) . While that hurts people only and can create a vicious circle of negativity , self doubt , diffidence , over confidence , pride,anger , hatred , mistrust etc , a message of God dwelling in self and others is very much needed respite for coming out of such vicious circles unscathed gradually in harmonious and peaceful manner .

Further if you give enough thought , not believing God hood in human (like Jesus) too can be tantamount to blasphemy ! God is omni-potent,omni-scient ,omni- present sovereign ruler of the universe . If HE wants to reside in the human body , who we are to deny that freedom to HIM . Like we all adults grown-ups play with our kids and become like Kid with kids with limited capabilities , why should we deny that fun/excitement for God ! Absolutely God is no slave to anyone and He can and will do what it thinks right for HIM to do and nobody can prescribe limits for HIM .

I dont want to force my view here and very much ok with duality views of most people across globe . So long as that helps people navigating the vicissitudes of life , its great. I just think that alternative views if it helps in life , should be considered.

Last edited by HITESH SHAH : 09-04-2024 at 03:07 PM.
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