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Old 07-04-2024, 10:59 PM
Starman Starman is offline
Join Date: May 2016
Location: U.S. Southwest
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Goldcup7, for me it is a choice between the timeless oneness of the eternal moment in non-duality and the fragmented polarity of chasing time in duality. Although I do use labels and refer to time as a reference but they are not concrete things to me. I strive to see the light in all people and things, and I am still a work in process. Nonetheless, I do give myself permission to make mistakes as long as those mistakes are not irreparable.

Ownership, in my opinion, is about control. To own another person, even to say my spouse, lover, or cat, and mean they that they belong to me, is to infer that they are my property. There are cultures in this world who could not understand how a person could own land; the early Native Americans had this perspective, as did other native peoples. There is a Buddhist saying (koan) “own no possessions that none may own you.”

What we own owns us; we invest time, energy, and resources, in what we own. I do have a house and a car but I am not attached to them, as I know everything is in transition, including myself. Attachment to time, space, or material possessions is the culprit. It is one thing to have possessions and another thing to be attached to those possessions; in my opinion. While I do take care of my physical body I know one day I must let go of it.

For that too I do not own.
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