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Old 06-04-2024, 09:21 PM
sentient sentient is offline
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Originally Posted by eezi-ulgen
That is a interesting three finger salute...Which maybe similar to Vesica Piscis...So there is this (1) that (2) and the other thing (3)...
Yes, maybe ... (?)
The other thingy being the unknown third element, the union of the 2?
The Vesica Piscis is formed by the intersection of two circles or spheres whose centers exactly touch. This symbolic intersection represents the “common ground”, “shared vision” or “mutual understanding” between equal individuals. The shape of the human eye itself is a Vesica Piscis. The spiritual significance of “seeing eye to eye” to the “mirror of the soul” was highly regarded by numerous Renaissance artists who used this form extensively in art and architecture. The ratio of the axes of the form is the square root of 3, which alludes to the deepest nature of the triune which cannot be adequately expressed by rational language alone.
Some equate “Clear Light” with transparency, and I think it is in the same ballpark, but I would associate transparency with Nonduality rather & Nonduality with Vesica Piscis because experiencing nonduality with someone/something is to become totally transparent to one another & this is also what ND-Experiencers often report.

Had posted this before:

'Soul-level-connectedness', "Oneness" .... or "One Spirit" experience.

Ever had a situation, when you have looked into the eyes of another, and seen y-o-u-r-s-e-l-f .... looking back .... at yourself the f-o-r-m- of another person; - thus instantly recognizing your very own most innermost soul & spirit essence standing there ...... in the other person's form?

When that happens, there is a sense of a silent communication dawning upon you both, like a "Holy Spirit". You know each other's innermost, without a word needed to be spoken about it, a state of such "obviousity" (things being too obvious and too intimate to talk about) ... that you do not want to "name" the situation but just live the enchantment of it.

In that, there is a sense of unconditional love, that just "IS"; - unconditional love, that is given and received without there really being a giver nor a receiver of it.
A sense that .... just because we exist, we are valid in this Universe, no other "credentials" needed.
ND-Experience also.

When you feel this "oneness" with someone, it is like .... since eternity, you have never been apart, nor shall you ever be. Oneness cannot be gained or achieved nor can it be possessed but Oneness is there for all times for us to recognize it.

Also, in that "oneness" there is a sense of a "Cosmic Joke" about separateness and appearances, because for oneness .... all that form separateness .... really is .... just a joke.

But then again when you feel/experience that boundary-less "oneness" with another person, within that "boundarylessness", you do draw a "taboo boundary" of respect. Respect of the other persons physiological and psychological difference to you, and the free and independent will of the other person. Thus making boundaryless oneness sacred, but also the form reality ...sacred.

In "oneness" you do realize your multidimensionality.
The "boundaryless oneness" is a spatial dimension, existing within its own "boundary" of laws and non-dual conditions, and the "form reality" existing within its own set of boundaries of dual rules.

Experiencing oneness with someone, enlarged .... is to experience the Collective Oneness .... i.e. "One Spirit" with a tribe ... or a group.
From there it is just a hop, skip and jump to experience the "Oneness of A-l-l Phenomena" or what has been called the "I AM" .... state, or "Cosmic Consciousness" or "Unity Consciousness" or the “Unified Field”.


One can turn Vesica Piscis image vertical as well. Absolute and Relative – and if we become empty, go still and silent listening to those 2 polarities simultaneously within our inner sounding board – where is that sounding-board within our being?
When we do become an empty zero point, that “I” (in the middle section of Vesica Pisces) seems to turn into an ‘Eye of direct knowing/seeing’ which in turn starts to see the “Clear Light”.
But now we are no longer talking about the nondual 3rd point, but the mysterious 5th point (like a cross).
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