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Old 05-04-2024, 08:09 PM
DaneA DaneA is offline
Join Date: Feb 2024
Posts: 59
I doubt anyone who has had no significant relationship experience suddenly wakes up to "I'm ready". People have talked to me about this and I've enquired of their history, because most people (not all, obviously) do engage in social encounters at school forming various relationships usually of a transient nature.
Sometimes it resolves as wondering if they're ready for an intimate relationship but they're clouded with apprehension, diffidence, sometimes inhibitions arising from taboos which could have grown through their childhood. Authoritative, religious parents are often the problem. Then again, a young person may rebel and brreak out in the opposite direction.

One problem I find is that a socially inhibited person can build expectations and begin to fear that they won't be met (finding the 'right' person) or meet someone superficially measuring up but disappointing over all.

There are so many variables it's probably best just to get used to meeting people and engaging beyond first impressions. Look for friendships.
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