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Old 03-04-2024, 09:57 PM
sentient sentient is offline
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Originally Posted by eezi-ulgen
"Can an NDE be induced through meditation, shamanic drumming, yoga or other spiritual practices?"

Yes eezi-ulgen let us remember “Spidey” - an age old tested and proven method one can use to ascend.
The “Spider Mother” who weaved the world so that through its web we have a sentient connection to everything that is.
The Spider Mother who isn’t the Creator of Earth as such (like creation stories of the Earth Divers were or the birth from the Cosmic Egg), but (as I understand it) she weaved a kind of a ladder, a way, means, a bridge, a scaffolding of 7 levels between the Earth and the Sky/Heaven/Central Sun.
The Spider who gives us the “Golden Thread back to the Source”, to the "Central Sun" through our sentience. Remembering, that in 'cobwebby situations', the Spider is both the liberator and the trickster.
The Spider Mother who has 8 legs, hence all the old sacred buildings were/are 8 cornered, i.e. we have 8 directions (also 8 cornered drums).

Now is that the Spidey in this Permian rock-painting, the sun & the moon (in balance) and the 7 levels (or ‘lightnings’ that can strike, NDE-like initiations) .. and the 3 finger salute to remind us of our situation sandwiched between the Absolute and Relative (?)

“Every life situation as a path” to that Golden Light - “Central Sun”, Spidey the trickster leading us with her Golden Tread found in cobwebby situations like Ariadne's thread out of the labyrinth.
Besides, how else does one build up or lose “Hiimori”, (personal power)!?

Moon doesn’t have a light of its own, but it is the purest reflection of the Sun.
Personal psychic power can be good or bad, but those purest (Central Sun) acts/reflections are ‘stored’ in the Causal Realm (Moon) from where I thought the Horse of White Light originally came from.
They talk about unicorns in relation to the causal chakra – never seen a blooming unicorn, only the White Horse – the Angel for Mongols and Turks.

Not a matter of belief in this and that but questioning this and that …

Enjoyed his story-telling but:
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