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Old 03-04-2024, 02:27 PM
FairyCrystal FairyCrystal is offline
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Energies can be strong again as tomorrow we have the 4-4 portal and on 8-4 we'll have a Solar eclipse. Those energies are building up as well.

According to Diana Cooper things are going really fast concerning ascension, others say so as well, and I concur.
I think the sense that time is going by at the speed of Light is part of that too?
I can't believe how fast the days go, the weeks as well, and the months.
Seems like every day it's weekend again? Then the weekend goes by in a flash and before you know it it's Monday.

Diana Cooper tells that it's very important right now to prep for the activation of our crystalline bodies. She's already offered a webinar for that and there are a few more following over the coming months. (She usually does one webinar a month).
So exciting what she knows and offers us for only E13-E14!! (11 Pounds)

I also think the fact I recently discovered I have C-PTSD and am busy with working through that, incl. finding a professional for it, has to do with the acceleration and the crystalline body.
I cannot fully get my crystalline body if I body is still holding a lot of that shizzel.
That realisation came as I was wondering of late why it seems I'm going back instead of forward. Not by much, but still.
Now I understand it makes total sense. It's not going back really, it's just working through things that would otherwise hold me back from fully moving forward!

I do think the webinars will help to speed it up regardless.

In any case, I currently am quite tired.
Celia Fenn also spoke of the energies being very powerful.

How is everbody else doing at the mo?
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