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Old 03-04-2024, 05:21 AM
Maisy Maisy is offline
Join Date: Jan 2022
Posts: 1,650
I'm not sure I understand the idea of forgiving someone that harmed me. Like if I was camping and a bear came and stole all my food, would I feel like I needed to forgive the bear? The bear was just acting according to it's nature. I feel the same way about people that hurt me. I was obviously very hurt but I don't think I am angry at them. I just stay as far away as possible from them as I now know their nature and how it acts towards me. I could also call their nature their ego I suppose. It's just overall how their mind, consciousness, awareness (or lack thereof) is. One I know is very delusional by nature. She makes up horrible ideas in her mind about others and believes it to be facts. A very toxic individual.

Now that I think of it some people do get mad at animals. Herman Melville's Moby **** is the story of Captain Ahab's self-destructive obsession with the white whale called Moby ****. It is told through the narration of Ishmael, a sailor new to Ahab's ship, the Pequod. The plot of the novel follows Ahab's manic drive to kill the whale, even as it endangers his crew. Captain Ahab needed to see the whale was just acting according to it's nature. Any harm done was not personal.
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