Thread: Greetings!
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Old 02-04-2024, 10:18 PM
sceptic_seeker sceptic_seeker is offline
Newbie ;)
Join Date: Mar 2024
Posts: 2

Hi folks,

My username was supposed to be 'sceptic_seeker' but some things went wrong and here I am.

It's all in the name, I grew up religious but about 2 years ago I decided to leave religion as I realised it stopped resonating with me, there were too many things that went against the human experience and what it means to be human.

For a while I became a materialist, thinking that everything is matter, that the brain is just a bunch of electrical connections and chemical reactions, however that viewpoint made me nihilistic and made me super bleak. It was at a rather low-ish point from this world-view that I then decided to go on a retreat where I met a group of people heavy into spirituality. In that group, I met people who convinced me to dig deeper.

Since then I've read books about how our soul decides on challenges for us, I've seen studies of possible past life memories in children. In my heart it makes sense but my mind keeps rejecting.

So I come here in the hopes that I can persuade my mind. I am doing my own experiments as well of course, some which I might share in posts as well but I want to discuss and hear the stories of others as well.

So well, there's my long story. I look forward to engaging with the folks on here!
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