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Old 02-04-2024, 08:03 AM
Joe Mc Joe Mc is offline
Join Date: Nov 2012
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Originally Posted by Maisy
The things we create can do so much more than us. Look at the wire in my house that is connected to the internet. One wire!

Just picking up on the technology bit. I recently bought a telescope and have had some spectacular views of The Moon and Jupiter etc.
Weather hasn't been great, pretty cold, so waiting for a bit warmer weather. Anyway, what the scope made me realise was that humans in general are often guilty
or have a propensity for trying to fit the Universe inside the Telescope. Before I got the Telescope I had many revealing let's say visions of the Cosmos based around the distances of everything and the entire vastness of it all. And when I acquired the Telescope I felt on some level at least I was trying to fit the Universe inside of the Telescope as I have said.

Your post on Billions of signals passing down an electric wire and transmitting so much information reminded me of these feelings. Somehow no matter how much information or electricity is moved it's an absolute drop in the ocean. Still doesn't take away the wonder of that phenomenon and it is miraculous no doubt about it but still I myself must remember that these things are incrediblely small, however, not insignificant.

My first glimpse of this was when I read somewhere that if our Solar System was represented by an LP or old type vinyl record. Then if you put 5 miles of LPs side by side in a line then that would be the distance of the Nearest Star to us and that Star is very very close.

When I saw Jupiter and it's moons, It was beautiful but it is only 600 million miles from Earth. That is like walking to your nearest shop as far as Cosmological distances go. It's really just around the corner ! lol. Anyway I felt inspired to write something based on your mention of technology so thanks for the inspiration. Do I put the telescope in the bin because I can't fit the universe into it ? Obviously not, do we do away with Computers because there is no teleporation yet ? No it wouldn't make sense.

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Too much intellectual pride and not enough intellectual beauty

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The Frost performs its secret ministry,Unhelped by any wind. Samuel Taylor Coleridge
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