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Old 01-04-2024, 05:33 AM
sentient sentient is offline
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Golden Light / White Light / Clear Light

A sketch to be taken with grains of salt and open questioning …

Originally Posted by eezi-ulgen
The vid. stands on it's own, all of it sounds like stuff I have heard before and seems straight forward...
I only discovered these NDE videos relatively recently, so I’m thinking; “this is the greatest thing since sliced bread”, because be it “a shamanic-death-experience” or NDE, we have gone through a very similar thing …
And then I got stuck in this Golden Light, White Light, Clear Light thing … what is the difference?

Had a brief look on the YouTube about “shamanic death” and OMG what is this utter nonsense … drugs, insanity, mental breakdowns, hallucinations, fantasy realms/journeys, ego trips – all labelled as “shamanic”.

The Golden Light seems to be when we awaken spiritually to the truth that “we are all one”, which is the Totality, the “I AM” experience, the unconditional love - one might say.

I was not awakened by the Golden Light (like many NDE experiencers or perhaps the friend from my youth, who showed me his death) – instead I was first alerted by ‘other dimensional’ sound of thunder and as I followed the sound, the church bells opposite where I lived started ringing as they usually did at that time of the night, but this time it was like the 2 worlds coming together the physical world and the ‘Source’ & quoting somebody who had said: there was no bell and I – only “ringing”.

In that “I AM” state, there was not an atom in the blade of grass in whole Universes where “I” could have hidden from that sound.
(Much later I learned what Zen says about Satori experience: “When the mind is ready, a bell rings, and you at once return to your original home; that is, you discover your now real self”.)
I guess, the “original home” is the “Totality-I AM” – state.


White Light … seems to be in the ballpark of “Bindu”, the 8th chakra on the back of the head which opens up to the Causal Realm ….

Besides really taking liking to this person, because of his normalcy and level headedness: “Surgeon Struck by Lightning - Discovers the God Energy” (the video I posted before):

Had this man narrated his story to Tengrist Mongolians or Asian/Siberian Turks about being struck by lightning and surviving it, is (I believe) thought to be a shamanic omen. The White Light - a second shamanic omen. In addition to this, when he then tells, that he had had a thought of needing a piano and the next day piano appears - a third omen.

Buddhists talk about 3 levels of transmission.
The second level:
The second style of communicating, or teaching, is the rigdzin da-gyii. This is the method of crazy wisdom, but on the relative level, not the absolute level. Here you communicate by creating incidents that seem to happen by themselves.
Such incidents are seemingly blameless, but they do have an instigator somewhere. In other words, the guru tunes himself into the cosmic energy, or whatever you would like to call it. Then if there is a need to create xyz, he directs his attention toward cosmic energy, and quite appropriately, Xyz presents itself, as if it happened by accident or mistake.
This imo. is entering the “Shamanic Zone”.

Clear Light. I read somewhere that for Buddhists Clear means Emptiness and Light means Awareness.

As I mentioned earlier, I have only seen/witnessed 2 people brightly radiating this Light. Both were/are aboriginal.

When you are taught in the aboriginal/indigenous way, you don’t necessarily even speak to/with your teacher. You are just drawn to watch/witness what your teacher is doing and the teacher too knows very well to whom they are ‘performing’ without any verbal lessons whatsoever.
I wonder if this is like the “light tent ceremony”? … where one becomes transfixed by the shamans actions?
Is this in the same ballpark?

Well, however, the second person I saw with this - like Clear Light, was when I was sitting on a bus-stop and all of a sudden everything (my surroundings) went black and white as into the shadows and then this aboriginal lady, around 60 walked past radiating this incredible light. I could tell she was a ‘dingo (wild dog) totemic’ because of the ‘key’ she vibrated in … but talk about ‘being in this world, but no longer of it’ … she was so detached she made my head spin and I felt I wasn’t ready.
Golden Light is more *felt* love of the Spirit within the Whole Creation …. but this was impersonal …
Besides, was she the same lady I had seen wannish into the thin air – sometime earlier?
(I had been told her name, as she did this act for people in the town of Alice to witness).
That was a bit too much!
This photo image by Emmanuel Santos kinda illustrates it:

But the person sitting next to me on the bus-stop did not see it …. !
Like once when there was me, the Elder and another person – when what I call (the other dimensional) thunder sounded – the third person did not hear it …
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