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Old 30-03-2024, 12:41 AM
Ewwerrin Ewwerrin is offline
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I guess there is advaita vedanta(nondual knowing) and advaita(nonduality).
And in case of advaita(nonduality), there is SAID to be no consciousness, no knowing, no knower, no self.

That may seem like, or appear like, there is a huge difference. But I believe if you add all they say together, it may actually boil down to the same thing in the end.
It may all be semantics.

One says "you cannot know it"
and the other says "You can only know it if you give up trying to know it."

One says "there is no consciousness"
The other says "there is no consciousness except this one very specifically unique type of consciousness."

Who can say for sure that they are different?

To the ears, it does sound different if someone says "you do not exist."
But if you listen more, they start explaining "the very specific and real existence of the illusion of the you that does not exist."

So again, it sounds different, but it may be completely the same thing.

One says "I buy a strawberry icecream and then eat it".
And the other says "No! I buy every flavor of icecream in the whole universe! but then I only eat the strawberry icecream"

That is how it all sounds to me. Like pure semantics.
Like huge contradictions that all amount to the same thing.

Nice drawings by the way. Very neat. Like I especially love the way you draw the lotus position. Like the legs are a lazy 8 infinity symbol.
Sharing perspective.
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