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Old 27-03-2024, 11:34 PM
Michael K. Michael K. is offline
Join Date: Dec 2021
Posts: 837
Consciousness is Motional Awareness COMA.

This whole universe is in fact an infinite sphere which is filled to capacity with
Intelligent fluidic energy, which is an appearance of Absolute Awareness
flowing in Ideation flow from within absolute Mind, this "FLOW" which fills
this universe to maximum capacity becomes relative consciousness which
we term as space.

Consciousness is space the ENTITY which is the SELF in relative flow.
Awareness pure which is absolute SELF in motionlessness mode, but when
the SELF arises from within eternal stillness an INTENTION thought wave
awareness surrenders into the primal flow of thought intention and becomes
that of consciousness.

Consciousness becomes the universal medium from which ALL LIFE universally
arises out from. Here we see that consciousness and space are the same thing.

blessings michael.
https://xxxxxbbb.blogspot.comMichael Kirkpatrick
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