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Old 27-03-2024, 04:56 PM
CosmicWonder CosmicWonder is online now
Join Date: Jul 2017
Posts: 1,530
what should I do when someone reminds me of my past me?


How I would describe the feeling: drained in my solar plexus and belly, like being depleted. At the same time aching in my chest, feeling need and neediness and feeling uncomfortable.

Relationship to her: past carer from a phase where I suffered immensely. She was good to me within these turbulent times. I was usuelly needy. we talk now more as friends or equals, but she seems to still know me like I was and not like I am.

Situation now: I feel uncomfortable feeling needy, because I deny this part of myself.

Question: what would be an advice you would give me, speaking from experience or expertise, that could smoothen my path in accepting my neediness or letting go of it, or else something that might fit better? You may use insights or knowledge, or an understanding.

Intent with the most: I asked the Universe to help me, and it lead me here.

Take into consideration the counseling rule: dont step into the therapist role. Just hand me the advice, openly, honestly, healthy... As a pal on the forum. And let me do any necessary healing or work. I can do self therapy.

Kind regards,

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