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Old 25-03-2024, 12:04 AM
Ewwerrin Ewwerrin is offline
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Originally Posted by 1Greg2
The word new refers to many things and states. Non-duality is not new. Subjective Space and the objects which appear in it are absolutely one, non-dual.
I enjoy thinking a bit more about this. Maybe it is possible to come to the same conclusion from a different angle.

From a limited linear perspective of time, the New is more easily relatable. Because we never experience the same thing twice, and if we do, it becomes the second time that we experience it, and therefor is new, due to being the second time and then third and then fourth, etc. So it is simply not possible to experience one thing two times. And that is for a human being called New.

But human being can join a higher broader perspective, by understanding the absolute nondual foundation of all.

If there existed something else than existence, we would say that existence would have a likeness unto itself. And so what would that equivalence be? That likeness? It would be non-existence, right? Everything is a duality and therefor illusion/relative. But there is one thing that is not relative. And that is the absolute.

So does non-existence mean that existence is not Unique? Because it has an equivalence right? Like how they say, there is no God but God. There is no absolute except the absolute. And to understand this, you have to understand something about existence and non-existence. And when you understand this, everything will perfectly fall into place. It will click and it will clarify everything that exists and what it truely is.

And this understanding is as follows.
What has an equivallence is relativity/duality/illusion/polarity.
And for existence to have an equivallence, then non-existence would have to exist.
But people always miss this very vital and important and infinitely and eternally significant part.
So what does that leave us with? It leaves us with Existence, with no equivallence. Existence is thus absolutely One. Absolutely Unique. Not a relative Uniqueness. An absolute Uniqueness. Existence is the one and only thing within existence that has no polar opposite or equivalence.

And thus, if you were to be existing, you are existence. And you would then be Unique. And what you observe would then also be existing and be unique.
But object&subject doesn't exist, because it is not an absolute Uniqueness. It has infinite equivalences. Which means that it is not existence itself.
Because existence is absolutely unchangingly eternally and infinitely Unique. It cannot be known. If it could be known it would not be Unique. Because your knowing of it would start to interfere with the absolute Uniqueness of it. If it is Unique it has to be truely absolutely "new" and thus "unknowable".

And that is why we can call it new. But from a bigger perspective (such as timeless) it is more accurate to use the term Unique. But the word New works just as well.

Consider this: You can never know the absolute or the nondual. But have you ever considered, are you able to know something that is truely new? How can you know it, if it is new? This moment is absolutely new. You are new the moment you are in is new and the space you are in is new and the space within you is new. Constantly being new. Can you know all of that? If you would know it, it woulden't be new. It would be coming from your memory, of something that is similar, when sameness cannot be experienced because nothing can be experienced twice as the twiceness would interfere with that, as we already mentioned. So this newness cannot come from your memory, right? Well, to be fair, even your memory is always being new.

At this point, you cannot go back. This is the point of no return. You simply know it is all new. And yet, exactly because you know that it is new, you know that you will never be able to know it. Forever. And so nothing has changed. Everything is exactly like it has ever been. You have realised what nonduality truely is, and it is unknowable. But atleast now you know why it is unknowable. Because it is simply New. Forever. Or Unique. Whichever word you prefer.
Sharing perspective.

Last edited by Ewwerrin : 25-03-2024 at 02:55 AM.
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