Thread: Ap experiences
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Old 17-03-2024, 08:56 PM
Starman Starman is offline
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I feel like the labels which we put on things can interfere with how we experience those things. What is the difference between and out of body experience, a near death experience, and what we may call astral projection? In my opinion they all lead to experiences beyond this physical realm.

People can astral project just by doing concentration techniques, as focused sustained concentration can pierce the physical veil. But a near death experience involves an impact to the physical body which almost kills it, and a person leaves their body due to that impact.

Both of these are out of body experiences, but out of body experiences may also occur when a person is confronted with an abnormal emotional experience here on Earth, or it can occur in quiet meditation. I am of the opinion that what we call the “astral plane” is the closest non-physical plane to this earthly existence.

In my out of body experiences, which mostly occurred while deep in quiet meditation, I found there are many realms beyond this physical realm. On the astral plane life is just like it is here on earth; with people living similarly to the way which they live here on Earth.

Beyond the astral plane we may exist as formless beings; it is my experience that whatever realm a soul, or consciousness, ascends to, they will consist of the substance, or vibration, which that realm has. Like here on earth our physical body is 2/3rds water just like the Earth.

If we go into a realm of light our covering, or body, will resemble that light, in a realm of air our body will be as air, in a realm where love is the material substance we also will be covered with the substance of love, and so forth. There are many realms and each realm has its own vibratory sensations, substance, looks different than other realms, and the communication with other beings is also different in different realms.

On the astral plane beings communicate with each other using their tongue, the spoken word, just like they do here on Earth, but in other realms communication may be intuitive between beings without any spoken words. The realm we ascend to depends on how much we have let go of the experiences in the past realm which we may have ascended from.

This is just my experience and I am not suggesting that this is the way it may be for everyone; each person knows the truth by finding and experiencing it for themselves.

Peace and Good Journey.
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