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Old 17-03-2024, 06:06 PM
Karma_Eleon Karma_Eleon is offline
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Maybe redefine what a synchronicity is for you.

The literal meaning, from Greek, is : syn - together, and chronos - time - so, at the same time.

What else happens at the same time that candle blows out? Was it really a synchronicity, or just an occurrence?

The dread you feel makes me think you may see them more as an Omen of some kind.

What are you afraid of? The unknown? If so, anything can trigger that dread, so I would do some work on that fear.

My own experiences with synchronicity are more like this: I think of something and THEN I get a sign (like the other day, on a walk, I was thinking about my wings I saw in a meditation, and then I heard a rustling and a feather came floating down), rather than the other way around.

Hope this helps!
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