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Old 11-03-2024, 03:01 PM
Ewwerrin Ewwerrin is offline
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Feel your emotions as you write or think. But with writing there is more focus and thus more attraction power and thus more emotional guidance.

So lets say you write a list, with the intention of finding a true desire. One that feels emotionally good or exciting.

This is not about truth or possibility. Throw every rules or limitations in the trashcan. No truth no limitation.

Just your focus to expand upon what is wanted.

So in this list you write what you don't want on the left side and what you do want on the right side.

Life helps you know what you don't want and thus also know more clearly what you do want.

So write down what you want, as it is already real.

For example.

What I don't want:
I hate boredom.

What I do want:
I am having fun.

And then simply delete what you dont want. And keep what you do want.

You can even be more general. Focus on fun. What is enjoyable to do? Make a list of things you can do and feel which one feels most exciting or like the most fun in doing it. And also consider in what way you would most enjoy to do it.

But if you come across allot of unwanted stuff. Then simply as generally as possible. Note how they feel. And focus on the opposite.

For example unwanted:
I feel heavy and tired.

Wanted is the opposite.

What I want is:
Feel light and energised.

The point is to focus your attention and awareness upon those things you want.

So if you make lists of what you want. Focus on those desires. And it will become more. It will expand.

But if you cannot find any desire. Then at least write about how you feel, maybe there are unwanted things in your life. Learn to focus on their opposites. You don't need to change anything or take any action. Just giving your awareness to what you do want. Consistently enough that they become more and you feel emotionally better.

In no time, you'll have so many fun ideas, you'll write:

lack of time

Wanted: way more free time. A lot of free time to enjoy doing all of these things!

focus upon that and enjoy it and the more consistently you focus on this wanted thing, the more it will become more and more and more. Untill you have all the time in the world.

Without needing to change anything. It is all about focusing on wanted or opposite of unwanted, as long and consistently as possible, so that the thoughts become more and it will be experienced and realised more.

That simple for me.

I have a lot of free time. I have allot of free time. Focus on those words. Give that thought your attention and awareness. And it will become more in your experience.

Whatever YOU want. No one else can do this for you.

But make sure you know the difference between what you dont want and what you do want.
To make sure, you have to understand, in the universe the word "no" does not exist.

So if you write

I dont have money.

Wanted: I don't want to be poor.
Wanted: I want my poverty to end.

That is not wanted. That is unwanted.
Im talking about positive desires.
Not "I don't want this." That is unwanted..
i wanna be rich have allot of money and freedom and comfort.

Etc etc etc.

Whatever you want, focus on it and life will continue to become more enjoyable.

And if you ever come across something unwanted, well, a good time to write the wanted end of the stick! So your list of things you want keeps growing.
And the more you give them your attention and awareness, the better you feel.
But if you feel bad, then you are focused on what you don't want.
So listen to your heart, or rather, feel your emotional guidance. It knows all. Because it the indicator of the relativity between you and all that you truely are.

So for example, if you feel bad.

Unwanted: This person is being mean.
wanted: I want this person to die.

Focusing on that is not a true desire. it feels bad.
True desire would be more like this.

Unwanted: This person is mean
Wanted: I want this person to be kind.

Focus on that. That is wanted.
This person is kind. This person is kind. Imagine it. Try feel what it would be like.
You can even generalise for more focusing leverage.
"Everyone is always being kind to me."

Focus on that, and it will become more.

The sky's the limit, so enjoy.
Whatever you focus upon will become more.
Whatever you give your attention to, will become more.

Can't get easier than that. And it will definitely become more and more enjoyable. And easier. Over time. And more fun.

If ever you feel bad, as you try to enjoy giving your attention to what you do want, and become bombarded with unwanted experiences.
. Simply write the unwanted experiences down.
And write their opposites, what is wanted. And then enjoy giving your awareness to those.
Again, being general can help aswell.

Dont have to write a whole book. Just in general I dont like this, so I do like that. And so I enjoy giving my attention to that and it becomes more. Wonderful easy life.
There is no end to how many desires you can enjoy.
Sharing perspective.
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