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Old 28-02-2024, 12:36 AM
FairyCrystal FairyCrystal is offline
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Originally Posted by Gem
... Now go get a job ya bum !
Why make that comment?
The OP hasn't stated why they aren't employed, there can be many reasons.
No need to make them feel ashamed or guilty or awkward. The OP may already feel that way.
And why is someone a 'bum' when they're not employed? I think 9 out of 10 times this is not someone's own choice. And it may force them to live in debt, unable to truly enjoy life because they lack money.

I for instance had great difficulty finding a job when I was 38. Apparently Western society deems you obsolete and not able to function properly anymore in a job. They fear you haven't the marbles to work a PC for instance even if you can verify having lots of experience. They still rather employ someone younger so they're certain that person can keep up with the pace and work a PC.
As if you're a pensioner at 38?

As it is now I have been unemployed for near 12 years due to an accident and neck injury.
Comments like yours are very demeaning.
Maybe think before making such comments. The wink makes it even worse. A nasty comment doesn't become better by making out to believe it's a joke...
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