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Old 27-02-2024, 03:43 PM
Join Date: Apr 2019
Posts: 1,348

Originally Posted by ReturningMoon
does what you do for a living really make you who you are?
I have no employment but I don't attach my identity to that.
In society there is value to what you do for a living . This is more from a social status perspective. While that may define personal value some place and some times , that's not eternal everywhere. Many a great people history did not have a high paying occupation in their life times . In fact many may be a failure by that yardstick of high rewarding occupation .

Now having no employment is not at all bad . But its certainly not great as well for long because gradually inertia will set in and that can along with it will bring lot of bad things like laziness , passivity , monotony ,loss of creativity/imagination etc.

So right frame of mind is to be flexibly employed / self employed in some creative work/hobby in a passionate manner which can be useful to some others or can bring happiness to you. This is a problem lot of retired people face in their retirement. Feeling obsolete/redundant is not great . Associating with positive people/thoughts/activity is important. Being physically and mentally active , feeling young ,energetic and enthusiastic and engaging in health exercises is important .

Apologies if my writing is misplaced and you have no issues I wrote.
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