Thread: Miracles
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Old 18-02-2024, 02:22 PM
Sir Neil Sir Neil is offline
Join Date: Oct 2021
Location: Greater London
Posts: 997
The popular definition of a miracle is a very big or unlikely manifestation, but I don’t think that they have to be big, necessarily. I would define a miracle as a movement of the Divine/Spirit/Universe/Allah/Buddha (or whatever you like to call it) in your life. It could be something amazing like surviving a plane crash or an illness; or it could be something small like going home a different way and encountering something which benefitted you. Either way, it’s not something which you necessarily did under your own steam, the Universe helped you along the way.

These kinds of things can happen every day, we just need to believe in them. So many of us think that miracles are rare, and as a result, we rarely experience them. But if we believe that the Higher Power is always moving in our lives, and that miracles happen often and easily, then they do.
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